Personal Property Securities Registry (PPSR) Home Page
This website is where you find the Tonga Personal Property Securities Registry. It is where you will register notices of security interests in movable property (collateral) and to search for notices of other existing security interests. If you have agreed to take a security interest (a pledge or a charge) in movable property of someone (the debtor) to secure their obligation to you (usually an obligation to repay money) you may register a notice here to inform others of your security interest. In order to check for prior security interests in collateral that is offered to you as security for an obligation, you may search the Registry's records through this website.
With the implementation of the new company registry, the Ministry can now link the PPSA to company records. This means that if a debtor is a company or overseas company registered in the company registry, you may now simply enter its incorporation number exactly as it appears on its certificate of incorporation to name it as a debtor on a PPSA filing. The information in the company registry will then be pulled over to the PPSA filing. You may overwrite this information if you wish. You will still need to search by the name of the debtor as existing filings do not have registrations numbers associated with them.
NOTE: unfortunately, the Ministry will no longer be able to allow clients to accrue fees for filings due to untimely payments. Starting immediately any client that owes more than 300 pa’anga will not be able to submit filings. Please see the link below on How to Make a Payment.